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Protection of children's right to dignity starts with sex education
中国青爱工程 张银俊
China Youth Love Project – Zhang Yinjun
儿童尊严权利是人的基础人权,也是最容易被忽视、最容易被践踏的基本人权。对儿童而言,最为需要、也最为脆弱的权利就是尊严权利。尤其是女童,尊严权利甚至高于一切。联合国《儿童权利公约》在序言中指出,“对人类家庭所有成员的固有尊严及其平等和不移的权利的承认,乃是世界自由、正义与和平的基础”。这里特别强调了人的“固有尊严”这一条。《公约》进而重申了《联合国宪章》中关于“人格尊严”及其价值的信念。在随后的各项条款中,保护儿童“尊严权利”被置于《公约》的最高位置,这包括不得对儿童实施任何形式的身心摧残、伤害和凌辱,包括性侵犯。这为各国和我们在儿童中开展性教育奠定了坚实基础。The right to dignity of children is a basic human right, and it is also the kind of human right that is most easily overlooked and violated. For children, the most needed and most vulnerable right is the right to dignity, especially for girls. The right to dignity is above everything else. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Children states in the preamble that “the recognition of the inherent dignity, equal and inalienable rights of all members of families is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world”. The "inherent dignity" of human beings is particularly emphasized in the preamble. The Convention further reaffirms the belief in the "United Nations Charter" regarding "personal dignity" and its value. In its subsequent articles, the protection of children’s "right to dignity" is placed at the highest priority of the Convention, including the prohibition of any form of physical and psychological torture, harm and abuse, such as sexual assault of children. This has laid a solid foundation for all countries and for us to carry out sex education among children.
1981年,在美国发现并在全世界传播的艾滋病,在其传播途径上以性传播为主。这种传染病侵害最大的群体是青少年,直接霸凌的则是青少年的人格尊严。从保护儿童尊严权利出发,从保护儿童免受艾滋病侵害与传染出发,中国青爱工程坚持15年所做的工作,就是在儿童中开展性教育。这是一项极其艰难的工作。在中国这样一个悠久古老的儒教国家,开展性教育存在许多传统习俗的障碍,甚至性无知、性愚昧也是常有的现象。自2006年以来,中国青爱工程“犯其至难,图其志远”,从艾滋病预防教育入手,着眼于维护儿童尊严权利,深入国民教育体系探索开展性教育并取得显著成效。In 1981, AIDS was discovered in the United States and was then spread throughout the world. This disease is mainly sexually transmitted. The group of population most affected by this infectious disease is teenagers, and it is a direct violation of their dignity. The China Youth Love Project starts from the protection of children's right to dignity, the protection of children from AIDS and its infection. For 15 years, the Project has insisted on carrying out sex education among children. This is an extremely difficult task. In a country with a long history of Confucianism, such as China, there are many traditional obstacles to the development of sex education. Ignorance of sex education is very common. Since 2006, the China Youth Love Project has “made its commitment for the most difficult task and the most ambitious goal”. It started with the education of AIDS prevention, focused on safeguarding the rights to dignity of children and explored the development of sex education in the national education system. It had achieved remarkable results.2014年,中国国务院总理李克强对青爱工程所开展的青少年艾滋病预防工作给予充分肯定。2016年,联合国副秘书长兼联合国艾滋病规划署执行主任米歇尔·西迪贝一行到中国云南实地考察中国青爱工程“性教育防艾模式”经验。在云南省瑞丽市民族中学,西迪贝在观看了青爱工程面向教师、学生和家长群体广泛地开展艾滋病防治和性健康普及教育的活动后表示,在艾滋病防治领域,性教育从来都是争论最多的议题,但在改变社会方面,还没有哪一个项目的功效能与其匹敌,如果不想让孩子被网络信息所误导,不想让孩子被错误观念所绑架,不想让孩子感染艾滋病,就要及时开展正确的性健康教育。西迪贝临别前深情地说:“我从事艾滋病防治教育近30年,一直想从性教育入手解决艾滋病预防这一世界性难题,但是我没有做到的事情却让中国的青爱工程做到了!” In 2014, the Chinese Premier Li Keqiang gave his full affirmation of the work of AIDS prevention developed by China Youth Love Project. In 2016, Michel Sidibe, the UN Deputy Secretary-General and Executive Director of UNAIDS, visited Yunnan, China. He had seen how the “Sex Education and AIDS Prevention Model” worked. At the Minority Middle School in Ruili City, Yunnan, Sidibe said that after learning how the Project implemented its extensive AIDS prevention and activities of sex education for teachers, students and parents, he discovered that in the field of AIDS prevention and treatment, sex education has always been a controversial topic. However, in terms of changing the society, there is no other project that is more effective. If parents do not want their children to be misled by online information or to be misguided by misconceptions, and if they do not want their children to be infected with AIDS, then they must start with the correct sex education in time. Before leaving, Sidibe said emotionally, "I have been engaged in the education of AIDS prevention and control for nearly 30 years. I have always wanted to start with sex education to solve the worldwide problem of AIDS prevention, and China Youth Love Project managed to do what I could not!”
On 26 May this year, the China Youth Love Project and various organizations held the 10th International Lunch of Anti-Discrimination of AIDS at the Red Ribbon School in Linfen. The slogan was "more lunch together, less discrimination". The Red Ribbon School in Linfen is a school led by Peng Liyuan, the World Health Organization’s Goodwill Ambassador for Tuberculosis and AIDS Prevention and Control. This place cares, treats and educates orphans with AIDS. Although the children here have lost their parents because of AIDS, they have not been abandoned by the society just because they were infected with AIDS. They have received care and love from Ms. Peng Liyuan and various aspects in society. However, discrimination against patients with AIDS is still rampant all over the world, so teachers and students here insist on holding an anti-discrimination lunch event every year. The China Youth Love Project has long supported the development of the school. The ambassador of the Youth Love Project and the host of China Central Television, Kang Hui, made donations to the school to build the Youth Love House. The dignity to rights of children with AIDS are fully protected and respected in this place.
性侵,特别是对女童的性侵,在全世界都是一个严重的社会问题。通过性教育引导孩子学会保护自己,是中国青爱工程开展性教育的另一个重要使命。儿童性侵害过去一直未引起足够重视,导致很多性侵长期被隐瞒,很多儿童,特别是女童长期受到性侵的伤害,隐私和尊严感被凌辱。中国青爱工程在农村和边远地区支持开展儿童性教育,特别关爱这个弱势群体。性侵往往还与感染艾滋病相关联。我们接触调查过不少这类案例,深感性教育是捍卫儿童性尊严和权利不可缺少的屏障。为此我们在全国加大了对家庭和母亲的性教育。因为母亲受教育,孩子才能受教育;在性教育领域,母亲的角色和作用尤其不可替代。目前中国青爱工程“性教育防艾模式”已获得联合国艾滋病规划署所认可,并倡导在全世界推广。Sexual assault, especially sexual assault, is a serious social problem all over the world. Guiding children to protect themselves through sex education is another important mission of the China Youth Love Project. The topic of child sexual assault has not gained enough attention in the past, which has resulted in many sexual assaults being covered. Many children, especially girls, have been harmed by sexual assault for a long time, and their sense of privacy and dignity have been abused. The China Youth Love Project supports children’s sex education in rural and remote areas, with special care for this disadvantaged groups. Sexual assault is also often associated with HIV infection. We have contacted and investigated many of such cases, and we strongly feel that sex education would be an indispensable barrier to defend children's right to dignity. Subsequently, we have strengthened sex education for families and mothers across the country. Children can only be educated after the mothers are educated. It also shows that in the field of sex education, the role of mothers is irreplaceable. At present, the "Sex Education and AIDS Prevention Model" of the China Youth Love Project has been recognized by the UNAIDS and the model is being promoted worldwide.
本文标签:青爱小屋 青爱工程 青爱基金会 中国青爱工程 北京青爱教育基金会
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