返回列表加入收藏 来源:青爱 发布日期:2017-03-24 浏览:-|
I have the pleasure of being with her in China last year, and I would tell you a little bit about her. She is an amazing accomplished person. She is from China and her name is Yinjun Zhang. And we were together we are Confucius; most of us I guess know Confucius. And I have the pleasure of knowing and seeing his birth place and so on. She has been working for 12 years to combat HIV AIDS and to prevent it through education and poverty alleviation for the Chinese youth, the APEPCY project which she started 12 years ago, focuses on building project stations and classrooms and kindergartens, primary schools, high schools and universities all over China. So I would now introduce her to you, so she can say it in Chinese and then we will have it interpreted.
How Women in China are Working Together to Improve Life for Everyone
Dear Chairman, dear Sally, Dear friends
I am from China, and I have dedicated the past twelve years to HIV/AIDS prevention education and poverty alleviation for Chinese youth. The APEPCY project, which I started twelve years ago, focuses on building APEPCY stations and parent classrooms in kindergartens, primary schools, middle schools and universities all around China. We primarily offer education focused on HIV and AIDS prevention and treatment, comprehensive sexuality education and personal development training. We aim to prevent the transmission of AIDS from the source, and to curb the spread of HIV/AIDS, especially among adolescents.
Over the past twelve years, the APEPCY project has set up more than 1,000 stations in more than 20 provinces and cities in China. In total, more than ten million students, teachers and parents have directly benefited from this work. In particular, our work in China’s Yunnan province has received the attention and support of UNAIDS, where we carry out cross-border as well as cross-sector cooperation.
In September 2016, UN Under-Secretary-General and UNAIDS Executive Director Mr. Michel Sidibé, accompanied by his team, traveled to Yunnan and visited the local APEPCY stations. He was briefed on the operation and highly commended our work. He also expressed the hope to promote our experience in sexuality education in schools to the whole world.
Due to our relentless effort, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang instructed the whole government system to attach great importance to HIV/AIDS prevention education. The Vice Premier for Education and Health, Ms. Liu Yandong instructed the Ministry of Education and Commission of Health and Family planning to integrate Health Education such as AIDS prevention education into the National Education system. This was a significant undertaking in China.
In my twelve years of this charitable work, I have had the most contact with women and children. Over the past twelve years, my team and I have helped more than twenty thousand families in poverty, most of whom live near the border areas of China. I feel that I need to motivate more women, and more mothers to be involved in this endeavor. As a result, from my initiative, Ms. Catherine Sozi, the UNAIDS Country Director of China and I started “The Mothers’ Campaign ” in 2015. This work has attracted the attention of more and more women and men. Inspired by this movement, I founded the Nishan Academy of Maternal Education in the birthplace of the great Chinese philosopher and educator, Confucius------Qufu in Shandong province, with the aim to host a world women’s forum. With our efforts, the first Nishan World Women’s Forum was held successfully in November 2016.
The Nishan World Women’s Forum is an international platform we built for women from everywhere around the world, its main focus is to promote women’s empowerment. The second Nishan World Women’s Forum will be held in May of 2018. I warmly welcome everyone to come.
The cause for women is the common cause for all human beings. In line with the goals set by the 《 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development》, the future development of mankind including poverty alleviation are directly related to women’s empowerment and are of extreme historical significance. Historical experience shows that a bright futures requires women to play active and engaged roles. Let us join hands and work together for a better future!
I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to the committee for giving me this opportunity to speak. Lastly, I would like to take a moment in special thanks to you, Mrs. Sally Kadar, the president of the organization for all the hard work that your team is doing across the globe in fields such as women’s empowerment, youth leadership education, and interfaith dialogue. Thank you all very much!
Thank you so so much, this was a surprise for me as I said before it will be interpreted into English, you did amazingly well, thank you.
本文标签:青爱教育 爱滋病 艾滋病 性教育 传统文化 慈善教育
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