天下母亲“以爱抗艾 ”倡议书
加入收藏 来源:青爱 发布日期:2016-02-03 浏览:-|
An appeal to mothers to eliminate AIDS with educational action
第28 个“世界艾滋病日”之际,一位中国母亲张银俊,一位乌干达母亲苏凯琳,还有来自不同国家的代表,一共十位母亲,在中国首都北京,在中国青少年艾滋病防治教育工作第二届大会上,共同向全世界所有母亲发出了“以爱抗艾”的倡议,出席会议的母亲和女性朋友纷纷加入倡议行列,与会300 人热烈鼓掌以示支持,场面十分感人。这是2015 年12 月13 日下午,在中国全国政协礼堂会议室发生的历史性一幕。
2015 年9 月,联合国确定了到2030 年终结艾滋病流行的宏伟目标,并得到世界各国的积极响应。为落实联合国提出的这一宏伟目标,张银俊和苏凯琳两位母亲说,她们愿意作为首倡者向全世界的母亲发出“以爱抗艾”的倡议,就是希望用人类伟大的母爱,在五大洲、在世界各地,携手筑起防艾抗艾的钢铁长城,为在全人类早日实现“零艾滋”的目标而做出女性特有的贡献。
她们说,自1981 年在地球上发现首例艾滋病患者以来,全世界迄今已有数千万人罹患此病,许多孩子因此失去了宝贵的生命,她们不忍看到这种悲剧继续。张银俊于2006 年起专心致力于艾滋病防治教育工作,十年来,中国各地已有近千所学校引入了由她领导创办的防艾教育新机制:青爱小屋,她带领的青爱工程团队已成为中国民间防艾的一支活跃力量。苏凯琳博士目前担任联合国艾滋病规划署驻中国代表。两位母亲在接受新华社专访时表达了共同的心愿,于是携手向全世界的母亲们发出了“以爱抗艾”的庄严倡议。正如一位记者所言, 一种称作母爱的伟大力量,正由北京向世界各地蔓延,这样伟大的母爱力量一旦形成洪流,终结艾滋病悲剧的日子就真的到来了。
Shortly after the 28th World AIDS Day was observed, Zhang Yinjun and Catherine Sozi, two mothers from China and Uganda respectively, gathered with eight other mothers at the 2nd Symposium on AIDS Prevention and Education for the Youth of China in Beijing, initiating an appeal to all mothers to take collectively action to eliminate AIDS. This appeal was answered by dozens of girls and mothers on the spot. The event took place at the CPPCC Assemble Hall on December 13th, 2015.
Prior to this event, the UNAIDS set the goal to end AIDS epidemic by 2030. The initiator mothers took this opportunity to appeal to all mothers to join hands in building up a defensive Great Wall against HIV/AIDS through sexuality education. Mothers signed the appeal and vowed to double their efforts, and to continue playing their parts in achieving the goal set by the UNAIDS.
Since the first case of AIDS diagnosed from 1981, millions have been infected by HIV/AIDS, among them many are children and adolescents. Lives have been taken and those who remain heavily affected. A fact that is too harsh for the mothers to look on. Zhang Yinjun resigned her position as a public official in 2006 to work exclusively on AIDS prevention education, namely to start the project of APEPCY . Till now around ten thousand APEPCY stations have been built across the nation. Beijing Changier Education Foundation under her leadership has become an active player in the field of HIV/AIDS prevention education. A native of Uganda, Dr. Catherine Sozi now serves as UNAIDS China Director. She is a highly effective, organized and supportive professional in this field. Dr. Catherine Sozi and Zhang Yinjun share common concerns and ideals in terms of adolescent sexual health education. Hence they join hands in appealing to all mothers to take collectively educational action to protect children. They hope that with their doubled efforts, more public attention will be raised, more knowledge, information, care and help will be provided to children. Everybody takes action, AIDS would finally become our memory.
Zhang Yinjun
中国青少年艾滋病防治教育工程共同发起人,办公室主任,北京青爱教育基金会理事长,中国民主促进会中央联委会委员。曾任中华慈善总会新闻办主任,河仁慈善基金会秘书长,健康中国2015 年度十大风尚人物。代表青爱工程获“影响中国2015 年度人物”称号,被评为“年度公共利益守望者”。
Co-initiator of the AIDS Prevention & Education Project for China’s Youth, APEPCY Managing Office Director, President of Beijing Changier Education Foundation (CEF), and a member of the Central Committee of the Association for Promoting Democracy of China, Zhang once served as Director of Information Service at the Charity Foundation of China. In 2015, she was chosen as one of the Ten Prevailing Names of the Year by the Healthy China and APEPCY initiated by her earned the title of the Champion of the Public Interests by the China Newsweek.
Dr. Catherine Sozi
UNAIDS Country Director (China), Sozi successively received her formal training at the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and the Royal College of General Practitioners, the United Kingdom. She served as regional adviser for UNAIDS Intercountry Team for Eastern and Southern Africa, UNAIDS Country Coordinator in Zambia, and Country Director at South Africa.
2015 年12 月13 日
值第28 个世界艾滋病日之际,为实现全球2030 年终结艾滋病的可持续发展目标,更好地呵护全世界的青少年健康成长,我们在中国首都北京,呼吁并联合倡议全世界所有的母亲和女性朋友,为结束艾滋病的肆虐而采取一致的行动:
With Love We Shall Prevail over Threat
December 13, 2015
On this occasion of the 28th World AIDS Day, for the sake of achieving UNAIDS’s goal to end AIDS epidemic by 2030, we gather here in Beijing, China. Together we appeal to all mothers to take collective action:
We will support schools and teachers to carry out preventative education and measures.
We will educate ourselves to be better parents and friends.
We will create favorable environments at home for our children’s growth.
With our help, they will be able to love, to develop, to realize their potential with a good sense of responsibility.
With our support, all children, including those living with AIDS, will be able to thrive in an inclusive world free from discrimination.
We will care with humanity and guide with wisdom.
We are mothers, we keep faith in love, we give birth to hope.
With love, we shall prevail over threat.
With action, we will be able to realize an AIDS-free world.
龚中心 香港华懋集团 董事
侣海林 中国联合国协会理事
Shantha Bloemen 联合国儿童基金会 新闻与合作处
斐 彬 哥伦比亚大学全球中心 东亚主任
李红艳 联合国教科文组织 驻华代表处
付向荣 林州桂园学校 校长
Ansari Shagufta Saqib 巴基斯坦大使馆学校 校长
谷彦芬 中华红丝带基金常务副理事长、全国工商联 原秘书长
沈 洁 中国性病艾滋病防治协会 副会长
王新伦 中国性病艾滋病防治协会 秘书长
龚因心 香港华懋集团 董事
何新华 中国人民银行金融研修院 原常务副院长
宁永丽 民进中央社会服务部副巡视员、开明慈善基金会 秘书长
翟 璇 培训师
袁继征 中国预防性病艾滋病基金会办公室 秘书
王 燕 中国教育学会 副秘书长
薛 娟 南通宝贝尔气体有限公司 董事长
郑 荣 辽宁省抚顺市第二中学000001 号青爱小屋 专责教师
古文海 西南大学学生处 处长
张 维 全国政协教科文卫体委员会办公室副主任
王莉琳 成都市委宣传部巡视员、原市慈善总会 常务副会长
贾学琴 中宣部舆情局 副巡视员
李永红 河北省邢台三中副校长
季 霞 辽宁省抚顺二中党委书记
杨晓彬 成都同辉(国际)学校 副校长
张 涛 成都第十一中学 副校长
程 静 成都工学院副教授、心联四川基地副主任
苟 萍 成都大学教育科学学院 教授、青爱基地副主任
王 英 黑龙江省牡丹江二十一中 000238 号青爱小屋专责教师
陈海云 卓达集团卓达公益 负责人
孙朋朋 卓达集团卓达公益 儿童公益项目负责人
李晓钧 北京汉衡律师事务所合伙人、青爱教育基金会监事、法律顾问
滕 珺 北京师范大学国际与比较教育研究院副教授
冯 利 公域合力管理咨询有限公司 执行董事/CEO
刘芳丽 教育部体育卫生与艺术教育司卫生处
曹 苁 北京市丰台区卫计委 副主任
李 洁 北京市丰台区疾病预防控制中心主任
何 蓉 四川阿坝州汶川县第一小学000044 号青爱小屋专责教师
杨海娟 江苏梅村高级中学 000079 号青爱小屋专责教师
颜 安 华音无限文化传播有限公司董事长
赵江燕 开明慈善基金会 执行秘书
毕晓倩 北京书院中国基金会 执行秘书长
张丹梅 北京市第二实验小学 教师
张世馥 北京东方生命文化研究所 研究员
叶美宝 深圳狮子会保税区服务队 理事
罗 丹 深圳狮子会保税区服务队 队长
李 华 潢川县教体局普教中心 主任
谢东樱 中国青年网地方新闻传播中心 副主任
李盈盈 未来网报道部 主编
李文化 湖北省侨联新侨会 秘书长
刘艳华 哈尔滨市虹桥第二小学 校长、书记
白云阁 辽宁省抚顺二中 000001 号青爱小屋专责教师
陈爱萍 四川省绵竹天河小学 000014 号心联小屋专责教师
把手同行 共担责任
中国政府对艾滋病防治教育工作非常重视。2014 年12 月5 日,国务院总理李克强、副总理刘延东分别对中国青少年艾滋病防治教育工作做出重要批示。2015 年2 月8 日,在中国青少年艾滋病防治教育工程办公室主导下,首届中国青少年艾滋病防治教育工作座谈会在北京举行,会议就贯彻落实国务院领导批示精神做出全面部署。
2015 年12 月13 日,第二届中国青少年艾滋病防治教育工作座谈会在北京举行。会议主题是“立稳脚跟,把手同行,共担责任,共享未来。”全国人大常委会副委员长、民进中央主席、青爱工程总顾问严隽琪出席会议。会议支持单位是民进中央,主办单位是中国青少年艾滋病防治教育工程办公室、中华少年儿童慈善救助基金会、中国教育学会、中国性病艾滋病防治协会、中华职业教育社、中华红丝带基金、中国预防性病艾滋病基金会、联合国艾滋病规划署等,承办单位是北京青爱教育基金会。会议由全国人大常委、教科文卫委员会副主任委员、民进中央副主席、青爱工程首席顾问王佐书主持。中共中央统战部副部长、全国政协副秘书长林智敏,国家卫计委副主任、国艾办主任王国强等中央及国家有关部委负责同志出席会议并讲话。来自全国各省市区、各社会组织、各高等院校,以及有关专家学者、爱心人士、青爱工程基地、青爱小屋的代表, 和联合国艾滋病规划署、联合国教科文组织、联合国儿童基金会、“互满爱人与人”等国际组织的代表,总计近300 人出席了会议。
这次会议是在联合国确定到2030 年实现“零艾滋”宏伟目标后召开的第一次全国性的防艾教育工作会议,是中国迈向“零艾滋”目标的一次重要的社会动员会议。
Stakeholders in China rally to
eliminate AIDS as a public threat
—— The 2nd Symposium on AIDS Prevention and Education for the Youth of China held in Beijing,China
The Chinese Central Government has been attaching great importance to AIDS preventive education. Premier Li Keqiang and Vice-Premier Liu Yandong gave instructions on APEPCY’s innovative achievements on Dec. 5, 2014. Shortly afterwards, the 1st Symposium on AIDS Prevention and Education for the Youth of China was held by the APEPCY Managing Office in Beijing, in order to comprehensively mobilize resources and forces to implement Li and Liu’s instructions.
Themed on Shared Responsibilities and Shared Future, the 2nd Symposium on AIDS Prevention and Education for the Youth of China was held on the 13th December, 2015 in Beijing. NPC Chairman’s Council Vice Chairperson, CAPD Chairman and concurrent APEPCY General Consultant Yan Junqi attended the event. The symposium was co-sponsored by eight organizations including the China Association for Promoting Democracy, the China Charities Aid Foundation for Children, the Chinese Society of Education, the Chinese Association of STD & AIDS Prevention and Control, the National Association of Vocational Education of China, the China Red Ribbon Foundation, the Chinese Foundation for Prevention of STD & AIDS, UNAIDS as well as the APEPCY Managing Office. The Beijing Changier Education Foundation organized the event. The symposium was hosted by Wang Zuoshu, APEPCY Chief Consultant, NPC Standing Committee member, Deputy-Director-General of the NPC Commission of Education, Science, Culture, Public Health, CAPD Vice President. Senior public officials, heads of governmental organs, representatives from domestic NGOs, higher educational institutes as well as international organizations along with philanthropists, APEPCY teachers totaling 300 attended the event, including United Front Work Department Deputy-Director-General and concurrent CPPCC Deputy-Secretary-General Lin Zhimin, HFPC Vice-Minister and concurrent SCAWCO Director-General Wang Guoqiang.
The symposium intended to be an answer to UNAIDS’s goal to end AIDS epidemic by 2030. It is a rally to mobilize resources and support in order to achieve this goal.
Let Us Take Action!
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