【中国日报】The way things used to be 性教育之前情回顾
返回列表加入收藏 来源:青爱 发布日期:2016-10-31 浏览:-|
记者 杨万丽
“No premarital sex. That was the education or social principle that I received in my childhood,” said Zhu Guizhen, a retired primary school teacher in Kunming, the capital of the southwestern province of Yunnan.
“When I was in high school, girls used to spit on boys who displayed affection toward them. It was widely seen as a way of showing a girl’s purity. Premarital sex was very rare in my generation,” the 59yearold said.
For thousands of years, sex was not discussed openly in China. Even today, it is taboo. There is no sex education in schools, only lectures on psychological health with little practical knowledge. Parents also avoid discussing the issue with their children because they don’t know how to do so.
Zhu didn’t realize how important sex education was until a students’ protest occurred the year before her retirement in 2013.
几千年以来,“性”在中国都是一个不能够公开谈论的话题,即便到了今天,许多学校仍旧把“性”当作禁忌。 学校里没有性教育课,唯一与之相关的恐怕就是没有多少实用知识的心理健康讲座了。家长也回避与子女谈论“性”。2013年朱老师退休之前她的学生当中爆发的一次小规模抗议事件使她认识到性教育的重要性。
“Students from a class in grade five wrote dirty words on the blackboard to protest against their teacher who had called some of the girls‘dirty’ and ‘flirtatious’ because they wrote love letters to boys,”she said, recalling that nearly half of all the students in the class claimed to have ‘fallen in love’ after the protest.
“I was shocked, and I suddenly realized how important sex education is. Children today are different from my generation. They have more opportunities to explore love and sex and express their curiosity and attitudes. But the problem is: none of us learned sex education before and nobody knows how to explain it, so what we can teach them?” she said.
“我当时真的很震惊,也突然间意识到性教育的重要性。现在的孩子跟我们那个时候可是不一样了。他们探索爱与性的机会更多,也更善于表达他们的好奇心和对待事物的态度。那么问题来了:我们这些老师之前没有人了解性教育,也就没有人知道怎么跟孩子谈“性”, 那性教育课怎么上呢?”
“I believe sex education should be included in China’s education system as soon as possible. Awareness of physical and psychological health are as important as knowing about science, culture and the arts,” she added.
Based on her 33 years of teaching experience, Zhu suggested that sex education should start at primary school or even earlier; usually at the time children first begin to notice gender differences between males and females.
基于33 年的教学经验,朱老师认为性教育在小学阶段,甚至孩子更小一些就要开始;通常当孩子开始注意到男女之间的区别时,就是我们应该开始对他们进行性教育的时候。
“I think the biggest challenge is not how to approach children with the relevant knowledge, but whether both parents and teachers can leave bashfulness and the bias about sex education to one side, and be open and talk about it without embarrassment,” she said.
My 9yearold son started to ask me questions about sexual behavior when he saw animals having sex on a TV documentary. I didn’t know how to respond. We hope such knowledge can be taught in schools.”
Jiang Jun, a parent who participated in his first sex education class at the Dujiangyan Dingxin New Primary School in Sichuan province.
24 percent of respondents had engaged in premarital sex, according to a sixprovince survey of more than 5,000 students ages 12 to 24, which was launched by the Sichuan Sex Education Society in 2014.
Experts Urge Age Appropriate Action
In the Netherlands, sex education, or more accurately education about sexuality, begins at the earliest levels of schooling, according to Zhang Meimei, professor of sex education at Capital Normal University in Beijing.
Far from young people running wild, however, the type of sex education promoted in the Netherlands has resulted in one of the lowest teenage pregnancy rates in the world (six births per 1,000 women aged 15 to 19), according to the World Bank.
Zhang said comprehensive sex education should be ageappropriate:
•Kindergarten (ages2to6): Children are taught about body parts, the physical differences between males and females, and privacy around body issues.
•Primary school (ages 6 to 11): Body development during puberty, basic social conventions of privacy, nudity and respect for others in relationships. Knowledge about human reproduction may also be available.
•High school (ages 11 to 18): Safe sex and contraception, understanding what makes a positive relationship and what makes a bad one. The class may include an introduction to gender pluralism.
•College (18 and older): Gender roles in society, expressing oneself, desires and boundaries, how to handle close relationships with others.
本文标签:青爱小屋 青爱工程 青爱基金会 中国青爱工程 北京青爱教育基金会
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